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This year we will be learning about a variety of math topics including positive and negative integers, rational numbers, rates and probability, proportions and percents, equations and inequalities! In our math class, like all my classes, I value your ideas, thoughts and actions. I understand that not all students enjoy learning about numbers and math concepts; In fact, math was always my least favorite subject until I became an adult! The most important quality you can bring to this class is a positive attitude and willingness to learn. You will bring so much to our class and I can’t wait to learn more about you!
Class Expectations:
  • Be respectful towards one another

  • Try your best

  • Respect the materials and equipment in the classroom

  • Be on-time and prepared for class each day

Math Class!



It is very important to attend class and participate!  If you are unable to make class due to sickness or an excused absence, it is your responsibility to make up what you missed.  You should do this by asking me before or after class, coming after school, or by getting notes/classwork from a classmate and showing me.  You are responsible for your own learning!


To show that you are participating during class, you can ask questions, take notes and follow along with problems, worksheets and activities. If you are late for class or unprepared, you will lose participation points.


This is a large portion of your grade- even if you do not do well on quizzes and tests, you can still do well in class if you are an active student and try your best!


You will receive a syllabus for math class within the first two weeks of school.  Once we go over it together, it will be posted on this page for future reference!



                                                 Winthrop Middle School

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